
FREE & BARGAIN EBOOKS – {08-08-2022}

 Garlic and Cayenne Pepper Me Please!: What they can do for me  by MO COFFER

Garlic and Cayenne Pepper Me Please!: What they can do for me by MO COFFER


Available through August 09 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


This book is about cayenne pepper and garlic the health benefits and how they can help you. I was one of them people that if anyone around me was sick I’d be sick the next day. I listen to the old lady’s at my church talking about what they do to stay healthy. They all talked about garlic and how it boost there Immune system. I’ve been taking garlic ever since. I have not had a cold in about 9 years, and if I do feel something coming on it’s gone the next day.

With cayenne pepper I have a lot of family that’s on blood thinners and high blood pressure pills. So I looked up what food could help. With them taking cayenne pepper they have been able to decrease there medicine. I say that to say this book is for those of you that don’t like taking them drugs the doctors give to you. The drugs that supposed to fix or maintain a problem but mess something else up. So as Dr. Budweiser would always say “Make your food your medicine”.

Show Me More:Health, Fitness and Dieting

 How to Beat Burnout with Gratitude by M DE CARVALHO

How to Beat Burnout with Gratitudeby M DE CARVALHO


Available through August 08 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Do you feel you are constantly in alert mode? Do you feel you can’t get out of a stress mode?

Do you constantly feel tired, get angry easily, and cannot relax?

If you answered yes to the questions above, then this book is for you.

It is time to bring awareness about burnout in order to avoid having a society formed by a generation of adults suffering from burnout.

Burnout is a silent enemy that has some precursors and signs that we can identify. During a spiral, coping mechanisms are critical for recovery, but only with self-awareness and the power of gratitude, we can beat burnout for good.

Humans have two sets of basic needs for survival; physiological and psychological. While the first one is well-known, not much attention has been given to the psychological needs, which if unbalanced, can be the source of problems affecting our mental and emotional health, ultimately impacting our physical health.

In this book you will:

Learn about the signs of burnout
Learn about coping mechanisms, types, and which ones to lean on
Learn strategies to overcome and defeat burnout
Become aware of your psychological needs, identify what really matters to you, shape your mind, unlock the power of gratitude and start living a life full of joy without stress.
Beat burnout by beginning a journey of self-discovery today.

Show Me More:Self-Help

 Debauchery and the Earl by Mary Lancaster

Debauchery and the Earlby Mary Lancaster


Available through August 10 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Love plays havoc with the worst of intentions!

The Earl of Calton is such an infamous rake that Josephine is not surprised when her sister names him as the father of her unborn child. The bored and world-weary Calton, however, is both astonished and intrigued to be held at gunpoint by a masked seductress and told he is to marry her sister or else. Particularly when he has no idea who either of them is!
So begins a tempestuous and uneasy alliance as Calton and Josephine try to unravel the mystery of the real father’s identity and how to save her stubborn sister from ruin. Josephine has no desire to fall in love with Calton, who has no intention of marrying, ever.

But the couple has much to learn from each other about life, love, and happiness…

Note: This series is part of Dragonblade’s Flame line, so this is a sexy, steamy, and scorching-hot read with multiple sex scenes. Be advised.

Gentlemen of Pleasure
The Devil and the Viscount
Temptation and the Artist
Sin and the Soldier
Debauchery and the Earl

Show Me More:Romance

 The Verindon Alliance  by Lynne Stringer

The Verindon Alliance by Lynne Stringer


Available through August 09 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


As Princess Vashta of the Vendel finishes her combat training, she hopes she will lead their forces into battle against her race’s deadly enemy, the Verindal. But when Brandonin, the heir to the Verindal throne, comes to see her father, it’s clear he desires peace, not war.

When a new enemy arises, striking at all who call their planet home, each race blames the other, even though the princess is sure this danger comes from somewhere new. She seeks Brandonin’s help in fighting this menace, but what can they do when both Vendel and Verindal refuse to work together? Can they defeat this deadly threat themselves or will it mean the end of life on Verindon?

Show Me More:Science Fiction