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IF IT’S NOT LOVE … IT’S KARMIC by Adrian Gabriel Dumitru


We always try to understand our thoughts and emotions regarding the relationships we are involved in.
And so many times … we fail in interpreting the meaning behind all what is going on.
We simple don’t understand it.
We believe it’s a love story … or even the love story of our lives …. or a very good friendship … but it always has an ugly end.
And damn it … it was the perfect case scenario of a connection between 2 souls.
The meaning of all what happened …. becomes a nonsense.
Someone that used to be a good friend … or a soul mate if it’s about a love story … becomes the worst enemy you ever had.
No one around … is understanding the meaning of all that.
What looked like love between 2 souls … ended as a weird life lesson.
So … should we say … it’s karmic?!
It looked a story about love … but all became … a lesson offered by the karma.
But why?!
Why this life lesson?!
Why couldn’t that love story or friendship continue?!
Why such a beautiful connection … ended with a betrayal?!
What is the message behind that nonsense?!
Love and karma … somehow 2 contradictory directions that we could follow … but maybe having the same final destination.
So … is it love?!
Is it karmic?!
Should we ask this question from the early beginning … or simple explore and enjoy that relationship till life will reveal us the real meaning?!
Asking ourselves about the fact that it could look as great connection, but might be … just karmic … or be a karmic relationship looking as an amazing connection … should induce too many paranoia ideas from the early beginning and we will not let us follow the right steps for the story.
Should we let everything … just happen?!
Too many questions … and maybe contradictory answers.
Would help a lot to know the real meaning … and maybe we should explore all the connections we have with the people from the timeline of our lives.
And the final question which comes in our mind is … if it is karmic …. how do we break this karmic chain?!
Well … it starts with love … has a karmic end …. but …. It always needs to end … with love.
It all becomes a cycle … the love-karmic cycle.
The meaning?!
Maybe … to understand the connections between everything it exists in this world … and the world itself.
Or love-karmic?!
I invite you in a journey of finding those answers.
And i will not be so naive to tell you that we’ll come up with the absolute truth … but …
Let’s do it …
Let’s analyze … define all what is going on … and if it’s karmic … there is only one thing to do … metamorphose it into … into love again.
I believe that karma is not a bitch … but a teacher, but also that love is everything … and the key to the Infinity.

Genre: Non Fiction