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Into a world where counts a lot … all what is going on the scene of reality … nobody bothers to ask why the hell things are happening the way they are happening.
We just live the scenarios which are happening everyday … and even if are intrigued about many of the things … we don’t dare to ask … who controls all the energies beyond each individual present in there.
We find … almost normal … all what happens … no matter if it is of negative or positive impact … but …
We still have many moments of being annoyed …. of this so called … life.
We don’t agree with what is happening.
We should even make a strike … or a protest … but again … in front of who?!
Of the people from the stage of our lives?!But we refuse to meditate … on the subject.
We refuse to ask the question … who is controlling reality?!
Why the things happen the way they happen?
Do we have any control … over our lives?!
Can we influence and even dominate reality in any form?!
For all the ones that are interested about the subject … i invite you into a spiritual – philosophical journey … for at least asking … what is really going on?!
Should we accept reality just as it is?!
Should we try to control it?!
Or … should we look at all like at a play from theater… smiling in front of anything would go on?!
Difficult questions …
But at least we have this right … and probably … even the duty … of asking those questions …

Genre: Non Fiction