
FREE & BARGAIN EBOOKS – {03-16-2021}

Content Mapping: Unlocking the Power of Content to Increase Engagement, Leads and Sales by Henry Adaso

Content Mapping: Unlocking the Power of Content to Increase Engagement, Leads and Salesby Henry Adaso


Available through March 17 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


The world is too noisy to pump out generic content.

Content Mapping shows you how to turn your content into your greatest competitive advantage.

In this book, you’ll discover:

  • How to map content to the intent of your potential buyers and get them to say “yes”
  • How to increase your revenue by using relevant, personalized content
  • How to transform your marketing by customizing the flow and sequence of your content
  • How to create a framework for repeatable, predictable marketing success
  • BONUS: Key action items at the end of each chapter to help you practice what you learn

In today’s crowded marketplace, Content Mapping helps you rise above the noise–not by raising the volume, but by raising the value of your content.

Show Me More:Business and Investing

There Must Be A Better Way by Jim Riviello

There Must Be A Better Wayby Jim Riviello


Available through March 17 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


We live in a world full of noise. We are told to succeed. We ask ourselves if we are a success. Day and night we are bombarded with something outside of ourselves to buy or attain so that we can succeed.

Most of the time, we think that our lives are too complex, too difficult, and too unique to become better by “small” changes. You hold in your hands the story of one man’s journey as he discovers through everyday experiences that this belief is just not true.

Jim doesn’t offer magic bullets or secret formulas for success because there isn’t any. Truth be told, success—your personal success—is revealed to you by focusing on the “small” internal changes you can authentically make every single day.

The Better Way we are all searching for is within each of us. It’s not reserved for a special few, and it doesn’t require sacrifice. The Better Way only requires you to constantly choose it, because it has already chosen you.

Show Me More:Self-Help

Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: How You Can Recover from Emotional Abuse, Recognize Narcissists & Manipulators and Break Free Once and for All by Don Barlow

Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: How You Can Recover from Emotional Abuse, Recognize Narcissists & Manipulators and Break Free Once and for Allby Don Barlow


Available through March 20 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Break free from the lies and manipulation that are keeping you captive

You’re positive you saw a flirty text from another woman on your husband’s phone. Yet, when you confront him, he tells you you’re imagining things and being paranoid.

A co-worker sarcastically mentions that you’re not contributing enough to the big project. When you get offended, they say they were just joking and that you’re too sensitive.

Your mother constantly criticizes your weight. When you bring up her comments around other people, she denies ever saying them and says you are making up stories.

Have you repeatedly found yourself in these types of situations where you end up doubting yourself?

They might have occurred with different people, in different circumstances, but the way they make you feel is the same.

Your feelings are trivialized, your thoughts are manipulated, and your reality is denied.

When this is done to you repeatedly, you begin to feel confused or even crazy. You are left questioning your own reality and sanity.

These are classic signs that you’re being gaslighted, and it’s something to take very seriously.

Gaslighting is a covert form of abuse that affects your confidence and trust in yourself, which the abuser then takes advantage of to keep you under their control.

Whether it’s a spouse, parent, or co-worker, it’s hard to break loose from the grip of a gaslighting manipulator.

You will need to know how gaslighters operate, how their behavior is affecting you, and how you can reclaim your truth.

In Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, you will discover:

  • The sneaky tactics gaslighters employ that catch you off-guard and make you more vulnerable to their exploitation
  • How to hold on to your grip on reality, despite the gaslighter’s efforts to undermine it
  • Powerful ways to respond to gaslighters, block their attacks, and take back control of the conversation
  • Why self-care is a critical component in coping with abuse, especially if you need to regularly interact with a gaslighter
  • The shift in mindset to help you finally gain the courage to escape an abusive relationship
  • What you need to do after leaving a gaslighting relationship to make sure you don’t fall into the same cycle again
  • Why you shouldn’t expect any closure from your abuser, and why you can still move on without it
  • How to rebuild your sense of self after years of being torn down by others

And much more.

Acknowledging that you’re being abused is the first step towards recovery.

After years of gaslighting, you may be so used to it that you no longer recognize this is not a normal way to live.

You might believe that there’s no way out, or you can’t imagine life without the one who’s manipulating you.

But if you truly want to be able to live life on your own terms, cutting yourself off from the source of your pain is essential.

It won’t happen overnight, and it will take committed effort, but you can feel like yourself again – the person you used to be… the person you’re meant to be.

Show Me More:Self-Help

Verge of Corruption: A Dark, Steamy Paranormal Romance by P.C. Stevens

Verge of Corruption: A Dark, Steamy Paranormal Romanceby P.C. Stevens


Available through March 16 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


This book is a dark, steamy paranormal romance. It contains explicit sex, language, and violence including scenes of rape. However, there is NO sexual violence/dub-con/non-con between the hero and heroine.

Tris couldn’t look away from those indigo eyes. Then, as if a barrier crumbled between them, he had the fierce urge to drape her body with his and skim his mouth over her jaw to her lips… He’d lick the top one, then the bottom before coaxing them open with his tongue…

Tris, a Light-blooded warrior on the run, and Zestine, a fearsome cat shifter, come together as spies in this deliciously dark, sinfully sexy tale of war and treachery, love and devotion.

Some of Tris’s kind have callously shunned their roots by trading their Light for the Darkness. By order of the king and queen, he and Zestine are to investigate the unprecedented metamorphosis. To the Dark Dimension they venture, straight into the heart of enemy territory. Their facade requires they pose as lovers, and for Tris to trick his Dark kin into believing he’s one of them, the reality of which proves abominable. He must look the other way while others are mistreated, and partake in heinous tasks to keep from raising suspicion.

Tempting death becomes a means to survive. By surrounding himself in Darkness, Tris’s Light weakens. Though Zestine’s a top predator and efficient killer, it’s not long before she finds herself powerless and close to breaking.

Yet they’re not without a glimmer of hope, as even love can be found in the Darkness. And in their world, love is much more than an emotion. It’s a weapon the enemy won’t see coming.

***Finalist/Award of Honorable Mention In Recognition of Excellence in Romance Writing: 2019 Fiction From the Heartland contest by Mid America Romance Authors.***

***Awarded Crowned Heart of Excellence by InD’tale Magazine.***

It’s not necessary to read From Here to Eternity: Love’s Warrior Book One before reading Verge of Corruption.

Don’t miss P.C.’s other Love’s Warrior books! The next installment, Raw Ignition, will be available May 2021. Visit to stay up-to-date on this exciting new voice in paranormal romance.

Show Me More:Romance

Marrying the Enemy by Sabrina Sims McAfee

Marrying the Enemyby Sabrina Sims McAfee


Available through March 16 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


Fall in love with The Brides of Hilton Head Island, Sabrina Sims McAfee’s, International Bestselling contemporary romance series. MARRYING THE ENEMY is an emotional, sexy love story with light suspense. When the alpha men in this series falls in love it’s always and forever. And their dashing brides couldn’t be happier.

Book Description:

Feeling stuck feels horrible.

Attorney Kerrington Parks feels stuck. She feels stuck with a job she hates. Stuck with a boyfriend that brings her nothing but utter displeasure. And to make matters worse, her enemy, Stone Balfour, keeps beating her in court. Feeling overwhelmed with life, Kerrington is stressed beyond measure, and feels like giving up.

He has everything.

Feeling on top of the world, Attorney Stone Balfour feels like he has it all. He has a multi-million-dollar law firm, a beautiful fiancée, and he keeps beating his worse enemy, Kerrington Parks, in court. Just when he thinks life can’t get any better, a tragedy occurs, and Stone’s loses it all. Devastated to the core, he thinks about doing the unimaginable.

Misfortunate events bring them together.

Both at the lowest part of their lives, the two enemies, Stone and Kerrington are forced to spend time together. Hating each other guts, they can’t seem to get along for even one second. Then the unexpected happens, and they start liking one another.

Just when Stone and Kerrington start to trust one another, a horrible crime is committed. Now Stone doesn’t know if Kerrington is his friend…his lover…or his enemy. But come hell or high water, he’s going to find out. Even if it means bringing Kerrington to her knees.

Love, romance, betrayal, murder, and sensual sex–Marrying the Enemy will leave you breathless.

With over 91,000 delicious words, order your copy today! Thanks!



Show Me More:Romance

Keyport Cthulhu by Armand Rosamilia

Keyport Cthulhuby Armand Rosamilia


Available through March 17 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


“The painting forced him to move back with such suddenness, he nearly fell over the side of the old wooden railing. It depicted a grisly scene, as if your worst nightmare had been splattered on canvas. Despite his mind screaming to look away, he could not avert his eyes” – Ancient

Set in the New Jersey fishing village of Keyport, where the Esoteric Order of Dagon has been planning for the awakening of the Deep One all these years…

Who can survive when Cthulhu rises?

Includes several bonus stories:

the steampunk tale “Rats In The Cellars”
“Cthulhunicorn” co-written with Katelynn Rosamilia
“Lockbox” previously unreleased
And two Lovecraftian tales from author Chuck Buda: “The Terrible Old Man of Keyport” and “Dark Waters of Sin”

Show Me More:Horror

How to Catch a Mouse with No Cheese by Donnie P.

How to Catch a Mouse with No Cheeseby Donnie P.


Available through March 16 at

Deal availability may change without notice! Prices may vary from store to store. Due to international copyright, availability and pricing may vary outside of the US.


How to Catch a Mouse with No Cheese is written for people who either have been in business for up to a year or are interested in starting a business, but to not have money. It discusses five life-changing principles that will help you succeed. Each principle has its own basis for preparing you to get your business up and growing with no money. So, whether you own a fledgling business or plan to start a business this is the book for you.

Show Me More:Business and Investing