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Rules for Eternity: There is No Beginning; There is No End by John Hunter
The desire to seek answers to the really big questions is not restricted to Philosophers, Scientists, Poets, or Dreamers. The prospect of never answering many of these questions does not detract from the joy of the journey while researching the possibilities. In Rules for Eternity, we are not searching for, or offering, ultimate answers. The aim is to identify a common thread running through all aspects of the natural Universe, and to reflect on how this knowledge might have practical application to human civilization.
Wherever we happen to be sitting on the evolutionary time-line, we are always at the boundary between the known and the unknown. The future provides increasingly fertile ground for theoretical physicists to explore, but the demands they place on engineering for proof are becoming prohibitive. Eventually Science will reach the limits of verification at both the sub-atomic and outer cosmic level, where none of the competing theories can be deemed more acceptable than the rest.